Monday 26 March 2018

March 26 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • Geopolitical risks are weighing on oil prices as Saudi Arabia and Iran jockey for influence in the Middle East. These concerns escalated just over a week ago when Saudi Arabia’s young Prince Mohammed bin Salman said his country would acquire nuclear weapons if Iran developed them. Higher oil prices could bring an offshore oil boom. []
Offshore oil platform

Offshore oil platform

  • BP has released its most recent outlook study, BP’s 2018 Technology Outlook. It shows that renewable energy is cost-competitive with fossil fuels, even without subsidies. The same report suggests that technology alone won’t be enough to curtail climate change; policy changes, including carbon taxes, are also necessary. []
  • “Farming the Earth to Death” • Pollution from Big Ag farms doesn’t produce dramatic photos like goo-covered seagulls or river otters. That makes it all the worse. The invisibility of the poisons already dumped into our environment by industrial farming cloaks the damage. And ethanol is the worst. It is just renewable pollution. [Omaha Reader]
  • Three top generators in Maine have asked the state’s Public Utilities Commission to allow them to intervene late as full parties in the proceeding on New England Clean Energy Connect. It is a 1,200-MW transmission line proposed by Central Maine Power and Hydro-Quebec to run through 145 miles of northwestern Maine. [RTO Insider]
  • The state-run Norwegian aviation firm Avinor, which runs 45 airports in Norway, is planning to embrace electric aircraft as soon as they hit the market, an exec has been quoted as saying. Because electric planes can accelerate quickly, they do not need long runways. This makes them ideal for Norway, with towns along mountain-flanked fjords. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

March 26 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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