Thursday 1 February 2018

February 1 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • The Trump administration is reportedly seeking a 72% cut to the budget of Department of Energy programs related to energy efficiency and renewable energy. It will ask for $575.5 million, down from $2.04 billion in the fiscal year. Last year, Trump sought $636.1 million in spending for the office, a figure Congress rejected. [The Hill]
Oklahoma wind turbines (Photo: USGS, Wikimedia Commons)

Oklahoma wind turbines (Photo: USGS, Wikimedia Commons)

  • New Jersey Gov Phil Murphy signed an executive order that will direct state agencies to implement the 2010 Off-Shore Wind Economic Development Act to meet a goal of 3,500 MW of off-shore wind energy by 2030. The executive order will make New Jersey the national leader for off-shore wind commitments. [Environment America]
  • German conglomerate Siemens AG said its quarterly profit dropped at its core industrial division as a global switch to renewable energy ate into its gas-and-oil business. The industrial division, which makes traditional power-generation equipment such as gas turbines, recorded a 14% drop in profit in the three months to December 31. [Fox Business]
  • Korean President Moon Jae-in promised to speed up the country’s use and development of clean, renewable energy, partly to support local manufacturers of solar panels recently hit by US safeguard measures. The fresh pledge came during his visit to a production facility of a local solar panel maker, Hanwha Q Cells. [Yonhap News]
  • The Conservation Law Foundation filed a lawsuit in Maine’s Superior Court in response to Gov Paul LePage’s recent executive order imposing a moratorium on new wind project permits, as well as creating what CLF calls a “secretive commission” to make recommendations on wind power development. [North American Windpower]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

February 1 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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