Wednesday 27 September 2017

Save the Date: Oct 18 at Froling Energy Open House


Come to our PDC Open House to Celebrate National Bioenergy Day

This is our fourth winter making and delivering PDCs–our dry wood chip fuel that is making heating with Biomass much more competitive in the Northeast. Froling Energy was first in the US to make them.Froling chips

  • PDCs cost 35% less than wood pellets
  • PDC boiler systems cost a lot less than green chip systems.
  • Quality control assures PDCs are the right size and dryness
  • PDCs are blown, not dumped, into storage bins and silos

Find out more about Froling Energy’s PDCs by clicking here.

Take a walk around our production facility – See the entire process from the arrival of raw wood chips to being loaded into our blower truck that makes the deliveries.

And enjoy some light refreshments.  Froling Energy is proud of this accomplishment.

PDCs mean clean burning, highly efficient Boilers

Whelen Engineering in Charlestown NH heats their entire 300,000 square foot campus with PDCs offsetting over 150,000 gallons of fuel oil each year.

Froling inside

Save the Date:  Weds October 18 from 1 to 4

Please make plans to drop in.  More information will be sent soon.
Call Jim for more information:  603-924-1001 ext 2


Save the Date: Oct 18 at Froling Energy Open House posted first on Green Energy Times

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