Thursday 6 July 2017

July 6 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • Wind and solar electricity will be the cheapest forms of power generation in every G20 country by 2030, according to a report commissioned by Greenpeace Germany. It also said that in about half of the G20 countries, renewables have produced electricity at rates equal to or lower than those from coal or nuclear since 2015. [reNews]
Wind Power (Pixabay image)

Wind Power (Pixabay image)

  • For automakers who report the monthly sales in the US of their plug-in models (which includes most big auto makers but not Tesla), fully electric car in June 2017 were up 102% from June 2016, and plug-in hybrid sales were up 11.5%. For the year through June, fully electric sales were up 96% and plug-in hybrid sales were up 42%. [CleanTechnica]
  • A federal court has ruled that the EPA cannot suspend a methane emissions rule crafted by the Obama administration. Under EPA administrator Scott Pruitt, the EPA argued that the oil and gas industry has not been allowed to comment on the rules. An appeals court in Washington, DC, rejected that claim in a 2-1 ruling. [San Francisco Chronicle]
  • Australia has been ranked as very low in its performance tackling climate change in a new Brown to Green report. Other countries that were singled out for poor performance include the US, Russia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. The best performers were China, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Mexico, and South Africa. [Energy Matters]
  • A federal appeals court affirmed the legality of Connecticut’s renewable portfolio standard and related clean energy initiatives. The groundbreaking decision should boost states’ confidence that they can exercise climate and clean energy leadership at a time when the Trump Administration wants to move backwards. [Microgrid Knowledge]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

July 6 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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