Sunday 2 July 2017

July 2 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • The University of Oklahoma has long been known for weather and climate research, but a high-ranking administrator says an eight-year, $161 million project that has just formally begun puts OU in an entirely new orbit. The contract involves development, deployment and operation of the Geostationary Carbon Cycle Observatory. [Tulsa World]
Bizzell Library, University of Oklahoma (tylerphotos, Wikimedia Commons)

Bizzell Library, University of Oklahoma (Photo: tylerphotos, Wikimedia Commons)

  • During a four-day period from May 4 to May 7, electricity pricing for some wholesale buyers in New England reached negative levels, as wind farms and solar arrays were producing large amounts of electricity and demand was low. A 2014 change in the energy market rules aimed at market flexibility made negative pricing possible. [The Union Leader]
  • New York and Massachusetts have joined a growing number of states that are setting targets for energy storage as wind, solar and other renewable energy sources are supplying increasing amounts of power to their electric grids. It is not a new idea. The first large scale storage facility in the US was built in Connecticut in 1929. [Digital Journal]
  • “Utility Spends $7.5 Billion To Prove Clean Coal Is A Cruel Hoax” • In 2010, Southern Company began construction of a “clean coal” generating facility in Mississippi. Working on a $3.5 billion budget, its mission was to prove that the technology worked. Now, 3 years overdue and $4 billion over budget, the company has given up. [CleanTechnica]
  • When China halted plans for more than 100 new coal-fired power plants this year, even as President Trump vowed to “bring back coal,” the contrast seemed to confirm Beijing’s leadership in the fight against climate change. But China’s energy companies are building or planning to build more than 700 new coal plants worldwide. [New York Times]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

July 2 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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