Wednesday 28 June 2017

June 28 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • NAVYA ARMA, the French maker of autonomous shuttles, announced that its first assembly plant outside Europe will be in Michigan. The state has already publicly backed autonomous vehicles on its roads with Governor Rick Snyder, who signed driverless vehicles legislation to be tested in the state, seeking to make it a global leader. [CleanTechnica]
NAVYA ARMA autonomous shuttle

NAVYA ARMA autonomous shuttle

  • “Mayors can outpace national leaders in fight against climate change” • Through the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, more than 7,400 cities worldwide have united in a coordinated effort to address the causes and impacts of climate change. These cities have pledged to meet ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions. [CNN]
  • Ultra-thin, flexible screen-printed batteries for cheap portable devices and intermittent renewable energy are closer to reality, due to a joint project of two Australian universities to develop technology by battery energy storage firm Printed Energy. The solid state batteries are printed in a roll-to-roll process like a newspaper. [Manufacturers’ Monthly]
  • Team Fast, a spin-off company from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, has found a way formic acid can efficiently carry the ingredients needed for hydrogen fuel cells, used to power electric vehicles. The fuel is a liquid, which means you can transport it easily and refill vehicles quickly, just as with conventional fuels. [BBC]
  • The University of California, Merced’s precedent-setting Triple Zero Commitment aims for 2020 include zero net energy use, the creation of zero net landfill waste, and climate neutrality on campus. The university is working with SunPower Corp to install a 5-MW solar power system with a 500-kW energy storage solution from Stem. [Power Online]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

June 28 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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