Sunday 11 June 2017

June 11 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • The Indian Power Ministry has finalized a policy for reviving 40 hydro power projects of 11,639 MW, provide support of ₹16,709 crore ($2.511 billion), and declare all large and small hydro projects as renewable energy. At present, a hydro power project up to 25 MW is classified under renewable energy and is entitled to various incentives. [HERE. NOW]
Indian hydro project

Indian hydro project

  • “US Senators: Heartland Institute Mailings to Grade School Science Teachers ‘Possibly Fraudulent'” • If you teach science to American schoolchildren, there’s a good chance that you might open your mailbox soon and find a package containing a free, unsolicited 135-page book and 11-minute DVD, plus a cover letter from the Heartland Institute. [DeSmog]
  • Last week, the European Union and China released a joint statement declaring their intentions to move on with the Agreement with or without America. They have gone past this position, and now they have decided to work with US states and cities that are keen on cutting their carbon footprint by going over the President’s head. [IFLScience]
  • While President Trump spurned the Paris climate accords, California Governor Jerry Brown was wrapping up a five-day tour of China that included a public session with President Xi Jinping at his side. The governor signed a flurry of agreements to partner with China on reducing emissions and develop clean technology. [Long Beach Press Telegram]
  • There are now persistent, highly acidified stretches of water found all along the West Coast, a 3-year survey of the region found. In some places, pH levels are as low as any ever recorded in any oceanic surface waters in the world. With rising levels of carbon dioxide, increasing numbers of hot spots will become more acidified. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

June 11 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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