Monday 5 June 2017

ACTION ALERT: Your Community in Vermont

Community members from across Vermont will come together on Wednesday June 7th to tell Gov. Phil Scott to stop holding the budget – and Vermont – hostage.  The state budget invests in creating more affordable housing, increasing access to child care, maintaining the Vermont state colleges, protecting clean water, and giving more resources to mental health workers on the front lines of the opiate crisis. This budget supports Vermonters and our communities. Gov. Scott is choosing to play politics with education, affordable housing, child care, and our waterways while pitting Vermonter against Vermonter.

We have a simple message for Governor Scott: If you don’t want to be perceived as a DC-style political operative, don’t act like one. Don’t hold Vermonters — and their budget — hostage because you weren’t able to finish your attack on the state’s educators and locally elected school boards.

Join members in your community at a rally near you!

And if one isn’t already scheduled near you, sign up here to help coordinate one!

ACTION ALERT: Your Community in Vermont posted first on Green Energy Times

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