Wednesday 26 April 2017

April 26 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • Opinion: “Is Trump warming to wind power?” • Trump’s position on wind may be shifting. During the election, the narrative on wind wasn’t looking good. Trump promised a national energy policy that prioritized domestic fossil fuels over renewables. But the narrative seem to be shifting, and the biggest game-changer for Trump seems to be jobs. [WorkBoat]
Brave Tern at work (Photo: Deepwater Wind)

Brave Tern at work (Photo: Deepwater Wind)

  • Opinion: “100 days of Trump: Round 1 to renewables” • Despite battle cries to end the ‘war on coal’, Trump’s first 100 days as president have done very little to dismantle progress in renewable energy and climate action materially, according to energy and national security expert Kevin Book. He and other experts spoke at a webinar. [PV-Tech]
  • US Energy Secretary Rick Perry said the US should renegotiate the Paris accord on climate change instead of abandoning it, while criticizing Germany for allowing its fossil-fuel emissions to rise. The remarks put Perry among a group of advisers urging President Donald Trump to stick with the United Nations accord that he vowed to scrap. [BOE Report]
  • The City of Hartford, Constellation, a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation, and Bloom Energy announced the completion of a fuel cell microgrid that will generate clean energy, manage electricity costs, and supply emergency power for public buildings and businesses in the city’s Parkville neighborhood. [Asia Cruise News]
  • President Donald Trump will order the Interior Department to review locations for offshore oil and gas exploration and consider selling drilling rights in territory that former President Barack Obama put off limits, according to people briefed on the order, who spoke on the condition of anonymity before it is issued. [Bloomberg]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

April 26 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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