Monday 27 March 2017

March 27 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “A conservative still pushing for a carbon tax” • If five years ago Bob Inglis’ optimism about building a coalition of conservatives to enact a carbon tax seemed far-fetched, today it’s a study in faith. He lost his South Carolina Congressional seat to a Tea Party candidate in 2010, but has been reborn as a conservative climate activist. [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]
With rising seas, sunny day flooding in Hollywood, Florida (AP)

With rising seas, sunny day flooding; a regular event with tides at the new and full moon, in Hollywood, Florida (AP)

  • Major oil producers are considering extending their recent output cuts a fresh bid to boost prices. OPEC countries and several other oil nations started to reduce production at the start of 2017. The move initially pushed up the oil price, but it has dropped in the last few weeks on fears the limits would not be enough to deal with an oil glut. [BBC News]
  • The Australian government’s official position on fossil fuel subsidies is that it doesn’t pay any. But in Western Australia, Horizon Power, the state-owned utility, guarantees customers will pay no more than the 26¢/kWh charged in Perth. Now, Horizon Power is working on reducing those subsidies with renewable microgrids. [RenewEconomy]
  • President Donald Trump will sign an executive order this week scrapping Obama cuts in power plant emissions, according to Trump’s environmental chief. EPA director Scott Pruitt told ABC Television’s “This Week” broadcast that Trump believes the US needs what he calls a “pro-growth and pro-environment approach.” [Voice of America]
  • Solar power use in Alaska has grown quickly amid falling prices for PV panels and reduced doubts by Alaskans about solar energy in the land of sun-starved winters. New businesses have launched to take advantage of the trend. Now that it’s March and days are growing longer, people are clamoring for project estimates. [Alaska Dispatch News]Preview

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

March 27 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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