Friday 24 March 2017

Breaking News on Keystone XL:

Sierra LogoBreaking: The Trump administration just approved the presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, but this fight is far from over.

Take action: Urge the Nebraska PSC to reject the state permit!

The Trump administration just approved the presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and reversed the rejection of the project under the Obama administration. The decision isn’t shocking. It’s just another step taken by Trump and his billionaire cabinet cronies to line the pockets of Big Oil at the expense of communities.

The good news is this fight is far from over, and we can win. TransCanada, the company behind the Keystone XL pipeline, must still get approval to route the pipeline through Nebraska, and the Nebraska Public Service Commission (PSC) is taking public comments now. 

We stopped Keystone XL before because people like you took 1.9 million actions — from sending letters to the White House to joining rallies across the country — to fight back. We can win again now by urging the Nebraska PSC to block the Keystone XL pipeline once and for all.

President Obama was right to reject this pipeline. It poses a grave and immediate threat to our climate and to every community it cuts through. Keystone XL would carry 830,000 barrels of the world’s dirtiest oil — tar sands — every day from Alberta, Canada, to the U.S. Gulf Coast. It would be responsible for annual greenhouse gas emissions each year equal to 37.7 million cars — a disaster for our climate. It’s also yet another example of the government trampling on the rights of Indigenous peoples: Keystone XL would cut directly through Sioux treaty lands and near several other tribal reservations and the Ponca Trail of Tears, yet Tribal Nations in Nebraska and South Dakota have not been properly consulted.

A report from the University of Nebraska determined that Keystone XL is likely to have 91 significant spills, putting water sources and wildlife habitat at risk along the entire 1,179-mile route. Keystone XL would cross the Ogallala Aquifer, which is one of the country’s largest sources of freshwater. A spill in the aquifer would threaten the drinking water for millions of Americans as well as the livelihood of local ranchers and farmers. The pipeline also lies within one mile of thousands of water wells in Nebraska, Montana, and South Dakota — putting even more people at risk of losing access to clean water. 1 

We can still stop the Keystone XL pipeline by urging the Nebraska PSC to reject the state permit. Fight back by submitting a public comment now.

This pipeline is bigger than Trump. It’s about the Native Nations whose land and water are threatened, the farmers and ranchers whose land would be taken away to benefit a corporation, and the special places — like the Nebraska Sandhills which are home to threatened wildlife, including whooping cranes, sandhill cranes, and bald eagles — that lie in the path of this dirty pipeline. We will not let this pipeline be constructed — we will continue to fight alongside our allies to stop Keystone XL.

This fight has never been easy, but we won before because we refused to back down. We are not about to stop now, and we can win again. In 2011, the Wall Street Journal called Keystone XL “inevitable” but 6 years later, thanks to you, there’s still no pipeline. 

Today is not the end of our fight, it’s the day that we show the Trump administration what this movement is made of. Submit your comment against Keystone XL now.

Breaking News on Keystone XL: posted first on Green Energy Times

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