Monday 5 December 2016

VICTORY for the Standing Rock Sioux

Big news! The Obama administration just announced that it will not be granting the final easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline. This means Energy Transfer Partners — the company building the pipeline — will have to halt construction on the Standing Rock Sioux’s Treaty lands.

This is a huge victory for the Standing Rock Sioux and the Water Protectors who have been fighting for months to protect their land and water from the risky project. 

And it happened thanks in part to people like you. You sent thousands of messages and phone calls to President Obama to stand with the Standing Rock Sioux and other tribes.

This announcement means the Obama administration will review the project’s environmental impacts. And it will explore alternative routes for the pipeline.

But the victory is threatened by Donald Trump’s Presidency. Trump has already said he supports the pipeline. And he owns stock in the company that wants to build it. 

Indigenous peoples will build on this victory and keep fighting for their survival. So as we contemplate four years of a Trump administration, a few things are clear: we ALL have to keep fighting. And we have to show up for each other. 

Our country has been stoked by the flames of fear, bigotry, and division. Now, it’s time to come together and support the Standing Rock Sioux in their fight for justice.

Erich Pica, 
Friends of the Earth

VICTORY for the Standing Rock Sioux posted first on Green Energy Times

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