Tuesday 20 December 2016

December 20 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • We all knew that 2016 was going to be a very good year for the US solar market; however no one could say exactly how good. Now, the DOE’s Energy Information Administration posted some of the first concrete numbers for the year. EIA estimates that the US will have installed 9.5 GW of utility-scale solar installed in 2016. [pv magazine USA]

Please note that this graph does not include systems of less than 1 megawatt.

  • India has released a new power plan promoting a dramatic increase in renewable energy. Among other things, it raises doubts about the Indian-owned Adani Group’s massive coal mine in Queensland. The new national electricity plan says India will not need any additional coal-fired energy capacity in the next decade. [info-europa]
  • A dangerous gray haze descended on Northeast China over the weekend, choking off schools, flights, and industry. China saw the smog coming and last week issued its first red alert of the year for 23 cities. The smog covered an area of 10.1 million square kilometers (3.9 million square miles), roughly the size of the United States. [CNN]
  • Aruba has pledged to transition to 100% renewable electricity within the next four years. The island is heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels, with more than 80% of its electricity generated using heavy fuel oil. The Government of Aruba is emphasizing variable wind and solar for renewable energy. [Climate Action Programme]
  • With Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker describing climate change as a “serious threat,” the state’s clean air agency unveiled draft regulations aimed at securing greenhouse gas emission reductions from the natural gas, transportation and electricity generation industries. The regulations will be vetted in a series of public hearings. [Worcester Telegram]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.


December 20 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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