Thursday 15 December 2016

December 15 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • New technology developed by Environmental Defense Fund, Google, and Colorado State University is reducing pipeline methane emissions by 83% in an area surveyed for a utility. A specially equipped Google Street View mapping car measures the volume of methane escaping, finding where the worst leaks are. [CleanTechnica]
Google Street View mapping car (Courtesy Environmental Defense Fund)

Google Street View mapping car (Courtesy Environmental Defense Fund)

  • “Could Rick Perry Forego his Special-Interest Past for a Clean Energy Future?” • Rick Perry is President-elect Trump’s pick for Energy secretary. Put simply: The appointment of Rick Perry is “open season” on the environment, and all who care about the health of their families should be concerned. [Environmental Defense Fund]
  • Please click on the image to enlarge it.

    Please click on the image to enlarge it.

    The price of electricity from offshore wind keeps dropping. A consortium made up of Shell, Mitsubishi/DGE, Van Oord, and Eneco has won the concession to build the Borssele III and IV Wind Farms, amounting to 700 MW, at a new record low cost of €54.5/MWh (5.7¢/kWh). Only last July, the record low price was €72.70/MWh. [CleanTechnica]

  • The DOE gave its approval this week to an international power line to carry 1,000-MW from Canada to southern New England. The electricity will come mainly from Canadian hydroelectric dams, but it will also include some power from wind turbines in New York state. The state of Vermont will have dibs on 200 MW of it. []
  • Dong Energy is teaming up with Eversource Energy, the New England transmission system company, on the Bay State Wind project. The proposed offshore windfarm would be located approximately 15 to 25 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard in an area that has the potential to develop at least 2,000 MW of electricity. [Offshore Wind Journal]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

December 15 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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