Wednesday 14 December 2016

December 14 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • When the EPA released its draft report in 2015 on the safety of hydraulic fracturing, industry groups seized on one sentence as proof that fracking is safe: a conclusion that the process has no national “widespread, systemic impact” on drinking water. Now, the final report is out – and that sentence has been removed. [Christian Science Monitor]
Fracking in a farm field (Andrew Cullen / Reuters / File)

Fracking in a farm field (Andrew Cullen / Reuters / File)

  • Activists who have demonstrated for months against the Dakota Access Pipeline may have some fuel to justify their protests. A spill has occurred 150 miles from where protesters have fought construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. State officials estimate 4,200 barrels of crude oil have leaked from the Belle Fourche Pipeline. [CNN]
  • Good news for environmental campaigners: President-elect Trump has finally nominated someone to his cabinet who actually believes in climate change science. The bad news for those same campaigners is that this true believer happens to be CEO of ExxonMobil, who also sees fossil fuels as critical to humanity’s survival. [BBC]
  • In another sign that the transition isn’t proceeding as smoothly as President Obama professes, the Energy Department refused Tuesday to provide President-elect Donald Trump’s team with a list of federal employees who have worked on climate-change programs. Trump’s transition team did not explain the request. [Washington Times]
  • Donald Trump’s nominees for the secretaries of Energy and State, and administrator of the EPA, are creating a growing hydrocarbon council in his administration. While generally thought to be good for oil and gas, the ramifications remain unclear. The government perception of fossil fuel will doubtless change. [Oil and Gas Investor]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.


December 14 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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