Saturday 10 December 2016

December 10 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • Staff at a Canadian company, Idenergie, have managed to create a kit that can turn the flowing water of a river into as much as 12 kWh of electricity per day. The river turbine system is mainly designed for off-the-grid applications such as small communities or remote cabins where it is not logical to be connected to the grid. [Trendintech]
River turbine by Idenergie

River turbine by Idenergie

  • An environmentally neutral, grid-scale energy storage system, which liquefies air, stores it, and then uses it to drive a generator to feed power into the grid, may sound like tomorrow’s world. It is however, a very real prospect. A new 5-MW liquid air energy storage facility is being set up in the UK and will soon be put into operation. [Engineer Live]
  • A report shows that the total number of anaerobic digestion plants in live operation in the UK has risen from 424 a year ago to 540 today. This has reduced greenhouse gas emissions in the UK by about 1%, with numerous other benefits, including food waste recycling, low-carbon electricity, and green gas for the grid. [Renewable Energy Magazine]
  • India now has the world’s biggest solar plant. At full capacity, the new 2,500-acre plant in Kamuthi could power up to 150,000 homes and add 648 MW to India’s electricity generating capacity. The Kamuthi plant was built in just eight months, at a cost of $679 million. India has pledged to get 40% of its power from renewables by 2030. [Grist]
    Solar panels in India (Photo: Daniel Cossio)
  • The US electric power industry has invested in renewable resources well beyond states’ renewable portfolio standards and targets in some regions, a report from The Brattle Group says. The regions where this has happened have organized regional electricity markets or offer access to low-cost wind or solar potential. [Solar Industry]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

December 10 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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