Wednesday 9 November 2016

November 9 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • Artist: Azmaa Omassou / ZME Science / COP22.

    Artist: Azmaa Omassou / ZME Science / COP22.

    Scientists are dismayed at the election of science denier Donald Trump, calling it a huge blow. Alden Meyer of the Union of Concerned Scientists, a veteran US observer of the UN climate talks, in Marrakech, Morocco, said he hopes Donald Trump will adopt a more “responsible” view of climate change once he takes office. [Hong Kong Standard]

  • The World Meteorological Organization has just submitted a detailed climate analysis in a report “The Global Climate in 2011-2015,” the hottest years on record, and it doesn’t look very good. The WMO shows that humanity’s footprint on extreme weather and climate events is becoming more pronounced, dangerous, and costly. [ZME Science]
  • Vattenfall has won the rights to build the 600-MW Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm in Denmark with a record-low bid price of 37.2 ore/kWh (€50/MWh ($55/MWh). The Swedish utility beat competition from DONG, Statoil, EnBW, and Eon to win the Danish government tender. It will invest up to €1.3 billion in the project. [reNews]
    Kentish Flats offshore wind farm (Credit: Vattenfall)
  • The Energy Information Administration expects US crude oil production for 2016 and 2017 to fall by less than previously expected, according to its November Short-Term Energy Outlook. The agency said 2016 oil production will fall by 580,000 barrels per day to 8.84 million bpd. It also predicted a decline in 2017 production. [Reuters]
  • Entergy Corp announced today an agreement to sell the closed Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, which would shorten the time to dismantle and decontaminate the site by 45 years. Entergy plans to transfer its federal licenses to subsidiaries of NorthStar Group Services to accelerate decommissioning and site restoration. [The Recorder]
    Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 9 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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