Sunday 6 November 2016

November 6 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • The 2016 Vendee Globe, a non-stop round-the-world single-handed sailing race, starts on Sunday, November 6. One skipper is planning to become the first to race around the world using only 100% natural energy, with no fossil fuels. The sails have flexible solar cells on them, and the boat’s forward motion drives a generator. []
Foresight Natural Energy (© Jean Marie Liot / DPPI)

Foresight Natural Energy (© Jean Marie Liot / DPPI)

  • For every tonne of C02 a person produces (the amount of CO2 from burning100 gallons of gasoline), three square meters of Arctic sea ice melts, according to researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Germany, the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado, and the University College London in the UK. [DailyQuint]
  • Sir Ed Davey, the UK’s Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change from 2012 to 2015, had to file a Freedom of Information request to get a report he commissioned on the true costs of electricity sources. His request was actually turned down, an act he calls “an abuse of power.” It seems the cost of wind power is secret. []
  • New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte is the only Republican senator in a competitive race who admits humans are behind climate change and who backs President Obama’s plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Her stance cost millions of dollars in lost funding from the climate-denial-backing oil billionaire Koch brothers. [The Intercept]
  • FuelCell Energy, Inc, a leader in the design, manufacture, operation, and service of fuel cell power plants, announced the completion of construction and commercial operation of a previously announced 5.6-MW fuel cell project on the Pfizer research and development facility in Groton, Connecticut. [DirectorsTalk Interviews]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 6 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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