Friday 4 November 2016

November 4 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • A press release from the US Solar Energy Industries Association reveals that Florida voters are waking up to deceptive wording on Florida’s Amendment 1, which is meant to slow the Sunshine State’s rooftop solar growth and even penalize it. But big utilities are pumping millions of dollars into ads before election day. [CleanTechnica]
Solar Victory poster

Solar Victory poster

  • A UN review of national plans to cut carbon says they are well short of the levels needed to keep the rise in global temperatures under 2° C. The report finds that by 2030 the amount of CO2 entering the atmosphere will be some 25% above that mark. Many scientists say that technology to remove carbon from the air will be needed. [BCC]
  • The US Department of Agriculture provided capital support to 17 Vermont businesses transitioning to renewable or energy efficient technologies to cut costs and energy consumption this year. The grants and loan guarantees through USDA Rural Development’s Rural Energy for America Program totalled over $3 million. [Vermont Biz]
  • Electric vehicle use in Minnesota reduces greenhouse gas emissions (well-to-wheel carbon intensity) by at least 61%, according to a new analysis from the Great Plains Institute. If the electric vehicle owner uses 100% renewable energy to recharge the vehicle, then this figure can be raised to 95% most of the time. [CleanTechnica]
  • National Renewable Energy Lab says ample resource availability, falling prices, and results from both research and actual experience in Europe are showing that there is no reason why we can’t reach much higher levels of renewable energy deployment. A 30% share of grid power from solar and wind would be easy. [pv magazine USA]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 4 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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