Monday 14 November 2016

Nov. 15th: Join the Day of Action to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

Join the demonstration to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline! Click here to find an event near you.

The Dakota Access pipeline would carry fracked crude oil 1,168 miles through North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois. It would cut through communities, wildlife habitat, and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s ancestral lands — putting their drinking water at risk.

Last week, pipeline construction reached the Missouri River. Energy Transfer Partners, the company behind the pipeline, has said that it plans to start digging under the river in less than two weeks. 

The federal government has called on Energy Transfer Partners to slow down. President Obama has suggested rerouting the pipeline. But asking the company to do the right thing isn’t enough. The Obama administration must deny the final permit to construct the pipeline!

Indigenous leaders have asked for solidarity actions across the country in a National Day of Action to push the Administration to do just that. They need you with them! 

Please join us today to echo Indigenous leaders’ demands! RSVP for an event near you now!

Nov. 15th: Join the Day of Action to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline posted first on Green Energy Times

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