Thursday 17 November 2016

Last Chance to Register for the Pro Tour of a NZE Passive House & Historic Water-Powered Sawmill

Learn From 6 Years of Data on this Cold-Climate, Net Zero Passive House in Northern NH

View a complete energy case study on this project

Join us tomorrow on a Pro Tour led by host Garland Mill Timberframes in northern New Hampshire. Built in 2010 before cold climate heat pumps were widely available, this house is heated by five 475w electric resistance heaters and a wood stove. Hot water is provided by an 80 ft2 SDHW collector. Rounded out with a 7 kW array on the roof, this house produces on average 4000 kWh more than it uses on a net annual basis.

Attendees will get a special “behind the scenes look” at the origins of the project when we visit the Garland Mill, a water-powered sawmill. The mill is a net-energy producer that has been in continuous operation since 1856 and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

The project team will speak about the full story behind the house: from conception, to execution, to performance data during occupancy.

Register Here!
When: Friday, November 18, 2016 – 1:00pm to 5:00pm

Where: Lancaster, NH (exact location in confirmation email)

CEUs: 2.5 AIA LU/HSW, 3.25 BPI

Cost: $25 for NESEA Members, $35 for Non-members

Last Chance to Register for the Pro Tour of a NZE Passive House & Historic Water-Powered Sawmill posted first on Green Energy Times

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