Tuesday 4 June 2019

June 4 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Environment Insurance Risk Assessment In The Face Of Climate Change” • The last few years have seen increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Adverse atmospheric events are poignant reminders of how vulnerable our society is across a broad range of threats posed by extreme environmental events. [Advanced Science News]


  • “Joe Biden Unveils ‘Middle-Ground’ Climate Plan With 2050 Target, Room For Fossil Fuels” • Joe Biden promised to reverse the Trump administration’s deregulatory effort and set the US on course to hit net-zero emissions by 2050 with a plan he released as an alternative to the Green New Deal. His plan is short on details, however. [HuffPost]
  • “Germany Goes 47% Renewable So Far This Year” • So far this year, renewables have produced 47% of all electricity supplied to the public grid in Germany, according the Fraunhofer Institute’s Head of Department New Devices and Technologies. This is significantly above last year’s clean energy’s share, which was 40.6% of generation. [Energy Live News]
  • “Coal And Defence Leaders Demand ‘Drastic’ Climate Action” • The end of human civilization could come as soon as 2050, a report warns. It was written by David Spratt, a Research Director at the Melbourne center, and Ian Dunlop, former chairman of the Australian Coal Association and an international oil, gas and coal industry executive. [The Mandarin]
  • “Teen Activists Face US Government In Crucial Hearing Over Climate Trial” • Youth activists are facing off with the US federal government in an Oregon courthouse, where their attorneys will petition a panel of judges to let their climate case go to trial. Until it does, their attorneys will argue, fossil fuel development should be halted on public lands. [The Guardian]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

June 4 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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