Wednesday 12 June 2019

June 12 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Are Old Midwest Coal Plants Pushing Renewables Offline?” • State utility commissions in Minnesota and Missouri are looking at the way companies run older coal plants, even when those units aren’t the cheapest option. By doing so, they may be squeezing out lower-carbon resources and raising costs for consumers. [E&E News]

Transmission lines (Ian Muttoo | Flickr)

  • “Climate Change Poses Major Risks To Financial Markets, US Regulator Warns” • A top financial regulator is opening a public effort to highlight the risk that climate change poses to the nation’s financial markets, setting up a clash with a president who has mocked global warming and whose administration continues to suppress climate science. [Forbes India]
  • “Utility-Scale Wind Becoming Top Renewable Energy Resource This Year, EIA Says” • The annual power production from wind energy will surpass hydropower and become the top US clean energy resource for the first time this year, the DOE’s Energy Information Administration forecast in an outlook it released. [Power Engineering Magazine]
  • “UK Government To Commit To 2050 Target” • Greenhouse gas emissions in the UK will be cut to almost zero by 2050, under the terms of a new government plan to tackle climate change. Prime Minister Theresa May said reducing pollution would also benefit public health and cut National Health Service costs. The UK is the first country to adopt the goal. [BBC]
  • “America’s Oil Boom Will Break More Records This Year” • US oil production is on track to spike to a record 13.4 million barrels per day by the end of 2019, according to a report by research firm Rystad Energy. Texas alone is expected to top 5 million barrels per day in oil production, more than any OPEC member other than Saudi Arabia. [CNN]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

June 12 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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