Monday 6 May 2019

May 6 Green Energy News

  • “How Carbon Farming Can Help Stop Climate Change In Its Tracks” • Photosynthesis produces sugar and atmospheric oxygen. “Everything that grows here starts with sugar. Soil microbes eat sugar.” And feeding these soil microbes builds soil and sequesters atmospheric carbon in the ground “at a rate previously thought impossible.” [The Nation]

Soil to sequester carbon

  • “Trump Is Dissing Green Energy But China Is Financing Its Growth With Its Belt And Road Initiative” • With its Belt and Road Initiative, China is seizing on an international opportunity that the Trump administration has forsaken, helping other countries expand their domestic infrastructures, potentially with green power plants. [Forbes]
  • “Climate Change Threatens One Million Species With Extinction: Scientists” • Relentless pursuit of economic growth and the impact of climate change, have put an “unprecedented” one million species at risk of extinction, scientists said in a landmark report on the damage done by modern civilization to the natural world. [Insurance Journal]
  • “With Or Without Green New Deal, Kentucky’s Energy Future Is Heading Away From Coal” • Over the past five years, Kentucky has shifted significantly shift away from coal power, thanks to cheaper natural gas. Now, the Green New Deal is pushing conversations about Kentucky’s energy future further into the political arena. [Courier Journal]
  • “New Research Touts Benefits Of Solar Power For Schools” • Data collected by researchers at Stanford University showed that taking advantage of all viable space for solar panels could allow schools to meet up to 75% of their electricity needs and reduce the education sector’s carbon footprint by as much as 28%, according to Science Daily. [CleanTechnica]

May 6 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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