Friday 8 June 2018

June 8 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Trump’s nuclear bailout could cost consumers up to $17 billion each year” • According to an updated report from the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Trump’s subsidies for nuclear power plants could increase the overall cost of electricity by up to $17 billion each year. And that does not include subsidies for coal-burning plants. [Inhabitat]
Nuclear power plant's cooling towers

Nuclear power plant’s cooling towers

  • Tropical cyclones, are moving slower around the planet, a study from NOAA scientist James Kossin said. The study, released in the scientific journal Nature, showed a 10% decrease in forward speed globally between 1949 and 2016, though there is some variation among ocean basins. Slow-moving storms leave more rainfall in the areas they visit. [CNN]
  • China’s decision to curtail solar development this year in an effort to prevent oversupply has resulted in significantly revised forecasts for the Chinese and global solar markets. Forecasts on China’s solar installations for the year were revised downward by up to 40%. Expectations now are that solar module prices will fall by 35%. [CleanTechnica]
  • EPA head Scott Pruitt said greenhouse gases such as CO2 are “good for us” and that CO2 does not cause global warming. After the EPA ignored a Freedom of Information Request for information supporting Pruitt’s claim, the agency was taken to court on the issue. Now a federal judge has ruled that Pruitt has to deliver the documents. [ZME Science]
  • At the International Mayors Climate Summit in Boston, Boston mayor Marty Walsh urged other mayors to join in a renewable energy procurement initiative. He plans to issue a request for information aimed at compiling energy demand data from participating cities and asking energy developers for renewable energy prices. [The Salem News]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

June 8 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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