Tuesday 29 May 2018

May 29 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • Scientists at the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University in Wales published the review of tidal range energy resource and optimization in the peer-reviewed journal Renewable Energy. They say a third of global electricity needs could be provided by the world’s tidal range. That is about 5,792 TWh from tidal range power plants. [Phys.org]
Wave (Credit: CC0 Public Domain)

Wave (Credit: CC0 Public Domain)

  • China accounts for more than two-fifths of all renewable energy jobs, with the country’s share particularly high in solar heating and cooling (83%) and in the sola photovoltaic sector (66%), though less so in wind power, according to the Renewable Energy & Jobs report from International Renewable Energy Agency. [brand-e.biz]
  • HDF Energy launched one of the world’s largest solar-plus-storage power plants in French Guiana. The $90 million plant is expected to generate around 50 GWh per year. The facility will produce 10 MW until evening and of 3 MW during the night. Hydrogen will be used for long-term storage, with batteries short-term. [pv magazine International]
  • Around 90% of millennials understand that the climate is changing, the highest proportion of any age group. Nearly 80% think humankind must work to stem temperature rise. That includes a majority of young Republicans, most of whom see that humans are altering the climate and want the government to tackle the problem. [CleanTechnica]
  • “The 60-Year Downfall of Nuclear Power in the US Has Left a Huge Mess” • Sixty years ago, on May 26, 1958, America’s first commercial nuclear power station was opened at Shippingport, Pennsylvania. Today, dreams of a nuclear future with power “too cheap to meter” are all but over. What remains is the reality of a trillion-dollar cleanup. [The Atlantic]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

May 29 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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